What is the goal of care ?

    Aug 31, 2018

    you align to yourself and your spine, as you align you get connected to yourself and your body's feedback and when you are connected to your own feedback loop you take actions that are congruent with yourself


    SRI Stage 7

    Aug 31, 2018

    goal: you can use it to conduct inventory of who we have been; that which might have served us to this point and how it no longer serves us.  Resolving that which no longer serves us.


    SRI Stage 6

    Aug 31, 2018

    goal: you can use it to prepare ourselves for reformation  in order to meet the  life more optimally 


    SRI Stage 5

    Aug 31, 2018

    goal: you can use it to dismantle the unconscious stories and rules about life which have become a part of your identity that no longer work or fit where you are needing to go in life.


    SRI Stage 4

    Aug 31, 2018

    goal: gain strength and determination to create a new standard and step up in how we have been interfacing with a circumstance.


    SRI Stage 3

    Aug 30, 2018

    goal: peaceful waiting to allow more energy to build up when we are stuck in our bodies & or in our lives


    SRI Stage 2

    Aug 30, 2018

    goal: to have two rhythms that were opposite and competing come together and share and it allows us to be more accepting of differences and allows the polarities to be able to coexist. 


    SRI Stage 1

    Aug 30, 2018

    goal: to connect with disconnected area and to open the area and experience pain and suffering and when you fully do;  it turns into peace and connection


    Showing your real face

    Aug 01, 2018

    So many people have so many masks on and sometimes they have been putting on a face to get through life so much so that they have forgotten that they are doing this.  A way to know if you are in alignment with who you are and that you are being honest and true to who you are is via the spine!  That is right your spine shows us what you put in the back of your mind and try to push it down. Your spine is where the subconscious mind is located. Your spine shows us if you are angry but pushing it down.  We can use the spine to help you get your life and you back in alignment with yourself. Your real impulse. 


    What might have served you, is holding you back now

    Aug 01, 2018

    We have these strategies we develop to get through, to cope, to fit in etc.  What might have worked in one phase of our lives might be expired strategy for another phase in our lives. Imagine if you ate the same way today as you did when you were 5years old. Imagine the way you handled relationships when you were 20 years old today would that be ideal?  Imagine if your parents fought a lot and didn’t really communicate and you learned this from them. Now you are married do you think you will need some updates in some strategies of how to relate ? We can't use the same strategies that we have used in the past today or strategies we have today in the future.


    How do you know if there is more to your pain ?

    Jul 03, 2018

    When you have pain. Some great quality questions to ask: How do I feel about what I am feeling? What does my pain mean for me? What is this pain really about?  And allow your subconscious mind to float up and to reveal itself to you.  How NSA helps; the more NSA you receive, the more you connect to the prefrontal lobe. 


    What is the point of FEELING?

    Aug 05, 2018

    as you get care you will feel more easily: pain and pleasure You will realize you can use your pains to make progress in your life and who you have been being or not being. Remember computers update all the time and so must we, but we tend to not till we have pain.


Hello ……..!
Here is the paperwork to complete and bring to your kid’s visit. It will take a bit of time so make sure you do it before the day of your appointment. Please do take the time to fill it out as the more you give me the more context I can give you and the more I can help your child’s spine align.

Your appointment:
Have them wear: simple t-shirt no patterns and simple pants I can feel through and socks to put on here at the visit
Address: 20 Moonbeam Walk 277233 (same place as the talk, just in my office)
Paperwork 5 documents: 1-history 2-NSA agreement 3-SRI agreement 4-FAQ 5-Office policies

to your well-being,
Dr.Linda Bedessian DC

Hello ……..!
Here is the paperwork to complete and bring to your next visit. It will take a bit of time so make sure you do it before the day of your appointment. Please do take the time to fill it out as the more you give me the more context I can give you and the more I can help your spine and your life align.

Your appointment:
Wear: simple t-shirt no patterns and simple pants I can feel through and socks to put on here at the visit
Address: 20 Moonbeam Walk 277233 (same place as the talk, just in my office)
Paperwork 5 documents:1-history 2-NSA agreement 3-SRI agreement 4-FAQ 5-Office policies

to your well-being,
Dr.Linda Bedessian DC

pain symptoms image

Here is the paperwork to print, complete and bring to your next visit. It will take a bit of time so make sure you do it before the day of your appointment. Please do take the time to fill it out as the more you give me the more context I can give you and the more I can help your spine and your life align.

For your appointment:
Wear: simple t-shirt no patterns and simple pants I can feel through and socks to put on here at the visit
Address: 20 Moonbeam Walk 277233 (same place as the talk, just in my office)
Paperwork 5 documents:1-history 2-NSA agreement 3-SRI agreement 4-FAQ 5-Office policies

to your well-being,
Dr.Linda Bedessian DC