therapist. mom of 3. wife. community leader


Linda, been thinking where to begin with my care journey!

Here it is so far, I came to you as I was in a stage of life where I was feeling v flat and not knowing why. I have a beautiful family, loving husband and lovely children and a newly built home and surrounded by many loved ones and blessings. Life is gd but I was not waking up feeling the zest for life.

After the first session, I was quite struck by the burst of energy I had after the nap.. I felt refreshed and recharged and so was v drawn to Hv more!

Subsequent sessions saw that I was in the extreme fatigue phase, needed to sleep a lot and I felt a lot more aches and pain that I never experienced before. Ironic. But along the way, one of the sessions you told me abt my compressed anger / feelings… And I have flashes of incidents that happened to me that resonated in me. It’s almost like God talking to me. Anyhow I thought abt it and processed and next came another session where you spoke abt learning to say no rather than yes.. Responsibility vs what I really wanted! This boundary issue has been my struggle all the time. All my life been I have been a highly responsible person so I take on a lot even though I shld say no to a lot of it. Anyhow.. The weeks following I find myself learning to say no more.. Esp to the small things and it feels like I have a lot more freedom. And am catching myself a lot more these days to discern when to say yes and no.

Another shift came when you talked about pushing my chest forward and allowing myself to be more feminine. That struck me a lot. Cos really am not v feminine.. Assuming a lot of masculine roles at home prob because of my childhood and my hubby being so busy I take on a lot more just to free him a bit more. But that meant also in our relationship I was in command. Gd and bad I suppose. Unknowingly, I began to let go and let him lead, almost allowing myself to let him take care of me. And I suppose being in care together meant we could openly share about our experience and he also noticed the shift.

And lastly as I find myself less fatigued and more alive, I am able to reconnect with God / my soul and have clearer directions, I find myself doing less but more (in terms of quality) being more present and more focused. Slowly I am finding that range of emotions from being explosive (expressive) to being passionate and loving . Think more being true to my emotions rather than keeping those emotions in there.

Am not sure I make sense but it certainly feels right for me. Am looking forward to more transformation.

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